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How can I help?


By donating food:

Buy some items from our shopping list when you do your next food shop and leave them in any one of the following places:

  • the donation drop-off point at the west side of St Matthew’s Church, Station Road, between midday and 1:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  • the Citizens’ Advice Bureau in Station Road, Redhill ​ - suspended at the moment due to the COVID-19 outbreak

  • the bins in the Co-op shop in Woodhatch

  • the MediWISE Pharmacy in Brighton Road, Salfords

If you have a large donation of food to drop off, then please email our Stock Co-ordinators to arrange a convenient time to make the delivery to our food store.

By giving money:

There are donation boxes at the following places:


  • St Matthew’s Church in Station Road


You can also send money (not cash, please) to:


Foodbank at St Matthew’s

71 Station Road

Redhill RH1 1DL


Now that the Foodbank has become a registered charity separate from St. Matthew's PCC, it is using a new bank account. If you wish to donate money, please use the account details shown below. 

If you have any queries please contact  Many thanks for all your support!

Cheques should be made payable to Foodbank at Saint Matthew's Redhill. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please also send back a completed Gift Aid form (see below).


If you would like to set up a regular standing order or bank transfer, please use the following bank details:

Account name: Foodbank at Saint Matthews Redhill

Account number: 20069860

Sort code: 30 99 50

Reference: Please add your surname so we can identify the payments coming from you.

Gift Aid:

If you are a UK tax payer, please consider allowing us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, which allows us to claim an additional 25p per £1 at no extra cost to you. Please download and complete this form and return to the address above.


Businesses and community groups


There are different ways you can help:


  • have a food bin for contributions from staff and/or customers

  • fundraise by holding a special event.


Please contact us to discuss these possibilities.

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